Saturday, October 14, 2006

My Bamboo Tree

My last two posts have been rather mellow, dealing with the pain of loss. Blame it on my mother who threw away my bamboo plants that I have kept at the corner of my flat for more than two years. My bamboo which has grown from some 30cms green sticks to this foliage of flushed green.

The damage started when the National Environment Agency came to inspect my flat for the possible breeding ground of Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes. Both my folks happened to be around then and, worried about the possible $200 fine which will be imposed should larvae of Aedes Aegypti be found, they bugged me for the next two weeks to change the water where the bamboo resided happily to a pot of soil. From then on it all went downhill.

The new leaves started to withered and yellowed. When I looked at my bamboo daily I wondered if this particular type of bamboo would survive the harsh soil condition as they have always been spotted to be left in a vase of water.

Then my sis was infected with dengue. That was the guillotine for my poor bamboo. My family decided that my bamboo was the definite hiding ground for those damn mosquitoes and posed the ultimatum to discard the terror. My brother even pointed that it was my fault my sis was having dengue, that it was all because of my bamboo.

To avoid global melt down I let my mom get rid of it.

Goodbye my bamboo tree. I will miss talking to you.


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