Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Rationale of Irrationality

Even though I do irrational things most time, there are times when I would question my own irrationality and ponder on it.

This was the surf yesterday at Cherating:

This was the cut on my right knee but I've got them on both knees front and back:

And this was my mates cleaning my wounds for me:

Yesterday, I came face-to-face with myself and questioned why on earth would I:

1. Subject myself to overexposure of the sun causing premature aging of my skin not to mention premature wrinkling of my face and hence having to spend tons of money in buying skincare products?
2. Risk cataracts on my eyes and sun-blindness being in the water when the sun is shining directly into my eyes?
3. Times and times again suffer painful sunburn on my cheeks and nose which took several days to heal?
4. Be willing to suffer fin cuts, rock cuts, reef cuts and bruises?
5. Be an unwilling offering feasted upon by sandflies and have their larvae hatched under my skin?
6. Have not enough sleep but still wake up at ghostly hours just to go into cold water when the sky is still dark and everyone else is sleeping soundly?
7. Suffer stiff shoulders, necks and arms but still have to paddle and can't allow myself to rest?
8. Be willing to gulp down sandy water and have tons of salty water up my nose that I feel sick?
9. Scare myself to death?

Is it like falling in love?


Blogger shoe queen said...

Woman... it's called passion - that's why you do the crazy things that you do!!

December 06, 2006 10:40 am  
Blogger Strawberrysurf said...

Haha... yeah I think that is it!!! Just to make sure it doesn't border on obsession... ;)

December 06, 2006 11:41 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's CRAZY! Why oh why on Earth would anybody want to take up surfing....it's such a waste of time! =)

December 14, 2006 12:54 am  
Blogger Strawberrysurf said...

ripcord.. yeah I wonder why too. Don't they have better things to do???!!! ;) Hey I read on yours that you too got cuts at quarry! Was that the day when I met you at the spot? Well, considered it price paid!!! ;)

December 14, 2006 1:03 am  

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