Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Nameless Monster

Chomp, chomp, munch, munch, gobble, gobble, gulp!

Blood Test

My dad made me promise him to have my blood tested for dengue fever. He said if I don't he'll send my mom over. So I promised him that I would. That was on Tuesday. He's got my mom over by Wednesday anyway because being my dad, he knew I wouldn't honour this promise.

I kept telling my dad that it was gastric flu and that it has nothing to do with dengue. But still he called every few hours to nag me and my sis to go for the blood test. I did not. My sis did. And now she's being hospitalised as she had been tested positive for dengue. And now they are taking the blood out of her on a daily basis. And from the same spot over and over again.

I believe that what I don't know won't come true. I believe that if I bury my head like the japs, like the ostrich I mean, the thing ceases to exist. My family do not understand why I am being so stubborn. The point is I hate the idea of my blood being syringed out of me.

When I was still a poor college student, a nurse had tried to take some blood sample out of me. Being an intern, she had foolishly injected the syringe on some vein which caused my blood to spurt all over. I remembered I was sitting with a syringe stuck on my arm and my blood spurting out like a fountain 30 cm into the air for a few seconds. I wished somebody had had it filmed then, it'll make a good bedtime story for my grandchildren. That fateful day sealed my antagonism towards any syringe: they hate me and I hate them too, it's all very mutual.

(Shogun Decapitator. Check out the stylish blood spurting out of the guy's aorta. Aorta carries oxygenated blood, which explains the spurting and the hissing sound.)

So anyway now that the rain has stopped, I am still trying to cajole myself to go for the blood test. To go or not to go, that is the question.

Monday, September 25, 2006

An Overextended Seasick Holiday

My weight loss program finally bore results. Over the last six days I have lost close to three kilograms of my weight.

Three years ago in a bout of extreme unhappiness at work I succumbed to gastric flu. It was hell on earth. Well at least for me. You definitely should not compare my plight to those victims of torture. The doctor told me then that I have to be careful from overexerting myself otherwise a relapse will occur.

One year passed. Two years passed. Coming onto the third year and my old nemesis Monsieur Sneaky Gastroenteritis aka Gastric Flu just had to pay me a visit again. It came in the middle of the day on Wednesday while I was at work. I shall not describe my ordeals but suffice to say that it involves many retching, throwing up, muscle pains, joint pains, eyeball pains and monstrous head pains. I have had zero appetite, and anyway whatever went in went out the same way, hence the weight loss.

I couldn't even make my ginger drink. So on Thursday I went to see a chinese doctor. Not the usual chinese physician that I normally go to but somewhere nearer my house. I figured since it is a branded establishment, I couldn't have gone wrong. But wrong I was. The chinese physician barely speaks english and my limited mandarin reduced my complains to something like "Me headache. Me threw up." She didn't ask me where exactly my headache was (which I could easily point out) and she didn't say anything else. After a one minute pause staring at the ceiling she wrote me a prescription for a seven day worth of powdered herbs. Thank you Dr Qi. I have by now thrown away your packets of herbs along with your name card down the rubbish chute.

So off I went for a shiatsu, hoping that it would cure me like the last time it did. But the masseuse was hell bent on murdering me. She pressed on my back until it turned blue black.

So off I went again to the nearby western doctor, hoping that this man might just cure me. What a relief to have a doctor really asking all the necessary details that inspire trust and confidence. And I must admit I enjoyed the shock on his face when my temperature reading registered a 39.5 degree Celsius. He said I looked well for someone running such a high fever. As always, I took that as a compliment and thanked him.

I left with three different packets of multi-coloured tablets, which I popped at regular intervals for the next few days. Still, my world only made sense from a horizontal perspective all the way till Sunday. I'd just need to stand up for more than two minutes and the world would start to spin and my knees would start to tremble, and I had to quickly lie down again.

Now I'm always in the belief that things happen for a purpose, that every event is supposed to be a teacher of some sort, that everything counts. But for the past five days I've been bedridden I still have no clue what this event can possibly teach me. That the earth is a planet spinning on its own axis? I knew that long time ago. That George Dubya Bush has extremely large nostrils? I knew that too. Still, if there's one good thing to be plucked out of this it is that I have lost quite a fair amount of weight. But my skin looks ghastly and sallow. Even looking at my own image in the mirror gives me headache.

Since it adds to my nausea I have not been reading and since bright lights pained me I had not been able to be in front of the monitor for too long. The amount of time spent lying down has made me notice several things, like:
1. Why do the upper halves and lower halves numbers on my clock faced inward and outward respectively?
2. Why do I have so many papers in my room?
3. What is so great about Crumpler bags? They're ugly and totally uncool and I hate their scrawny logo.
4. CDs when stacked together appear transparent when seen from the side.
5. Why does NTUC and Cold Storage stock only sour dragonfruits but Meidiya always manage to get good sweet ones?
6. The indescribable high level of noise pollution by the construction sites all surrounding my apartment.
7. Do mosquitos have willies?
8. Do snakes have willies?
9. How do chickens do it?
10. Why don't humans just lay eggs?
11. If Bach was still alive today, will he be as handsome as Jack Nicholson?

And then my friends had to tell me that there was a swell coming down on Sunday and that they were going up to Malaysia. That was it, I thought heaven was mocking me. Here I am down with pain and surf has to be up! I was almost so very tempted to go up in my state because hell, what is a fever after you get STOKED! But since I thought I might just die this time if I go in the water I had to abstain myself, otherwise my folks would blame me for dying a stupid death then I will never be able to forgive myself. Thus I was more than happy when I got the report that surf was barely there. Heaven is kind to me after all.

By Sunday I could bear it no more and booked an appointment with my usual chinese doc. I waited at his practice by midday. But he was on extended house calls and arrived only at 14:30. I waited for so long that subsequent patients needed just to pop their heads to see if I was still around to know if the doc had arrived. Thank god I am so used to waiting for waves for hours that two and a half hour wait for salvation was a short wait comparatively.

When finally the doc arrived I almost jumped to hug him. After checking on my tongue, my pulses, my ears, my skin and my eyes he immediately administered acupuncture treatment on me. Three needles on the head and three on my legs. I thought I was going to die when the first three needles went into my head. The needles were thin as hell but had felt so huge when entering the skin of my head. I imagined huge droplets of blood pooling on my skull already. I didn't dare move during the whole ordeal. But the doc reassured me that the healing process was at work. And when he took the needles away, not one drop of blood was spilled.

Apparently the doc was moved by my two and a half hour wait and had waived the acupuncture fee. I was more than happy to pay because he had been a great doc to me all these years and had helped me cure many strange ailments that would otherwise require surgical incisions as advised by some other western doctors. But he insisted so I just paid for my medicine.

After the acupuncture I could finally walk okay and finally today my appetite is back although the slight dizziness remains. I could sit straight as well. So I no longer need to watch television from an angle and look at my laptop monitor at an angle. The world starts to look right again.

What I started to feel though, is extreme itch. And that I started to get overly emotional over small things. The itch are all over my legs and hands. It could be due to my excessive perspiring but chinese medicine equates itch with toxin being expelled from the body and I like to think it that way. The emotional part was when I realised that I was laughing and crying over some cheesey Japanese drama within minutes of each other. I laughed when I saw how blue the sky was. I mean, I was not merely happy but I was laughing loudly for a minute or two.

I know some of you have told me that my sanity has been on the questionable side since I entered the wrong side of 17 but maybe this time the fever did it. Well, allow me to correct myself. Since I had been brought up to not blame myself, I shall pin the blame on that flared nostril Dubya Bush. He did it. He caused all these misery to happen to me. I feel better already.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Free Lunch: Lunch at $5 Only!!!

I received an email from a couple of old acquaintances which is a forward forwarded with the oldest attachment dated back to 18 July 2005 which reads:

Dear Friends,
... Bill Gates is sharing his fortune... ignore this... repent later. ..... To make sure that Internet Explorer remains the most widely used program, Microsoft and AOL are running an e-mail beta test... Forward this e-mail to friends, Microsoft can and will track it (if you are a Microsoft Windows user) for a two week time period. For every person that you forward this e-mail to, Microsoft will pay you $245.00, for every person that you sent it to that forwards it on, Microsoft will pay you $243.00 and for every third person that receives it, you will be paid $241.00. Within two weeks, Microsoft will contact you for your address and then send you a cheque.

Thereafter followed a myriad of frenzied testimonies from people receiving their monies expressing their unbounded ecstasy.
One testimony read: "I forwarded this mail to three chaps just half an hour back and I just forgot about it.. then I saw my salary slip, checked my account in(sic) the net. I was wonderstuck(sic) to see $30000/- added to my account!! transferred from ms(sic) office thru western money transfer !!! Its amazing guys !!!

Hello? Knock knock. Anyone home? Is the light on?

The loopholes are as large as a gaping cavity (just read the above paragraphs again if you haven't found one) I thought no one would fall for it... but by Judas' toes, I scrolled down the mail and rows upon rows upon rows of people have been forwarding this message to their poor unsuspecting friends, who in turn will forward it to their friends and so on!!! Many of them justify this with the "Well, no harm trying...." statement.

Ahem, so I wrote back to these same acquaintances since they had pissed me off in the past anyway and this was to be my glorious chance to lecture them on their naivety and gave me a momentary high of feeling like a genius. I mean, c'mon, Microsoft is a public traded company with shareholders and board of directors and Bill Gates doing this impractical test is akin to admitting himself to a mental institute. Also, it is technically impossible to track forwarded email and no company does business this way. And third, look at the loopholes.

I have in the past received many more emails where people hoping to get free iPods (that damn gadget!), free monies, free hotel stays, and other freebies would fall straight into the hoax. Sorry guys, economists said that there is no free lunch!

Oft I wondered who these twats who started this brand of jokes are (Chain-letter writers fall under the same category). They ought to be ostracised and sodomised and made to do community service afterward to repent for their misleading behaviour. They, like the false prophets, have given the people false hopes of fortunes, diamonds and golds and I suspect that some poor souls had spent their entire salary three weeks too early hoping to receive that extra dollars from some big corporations.

Well, a year ago for a second or two I thought big windfall had befallen onto my lap as well. Some Nigerian dude wrote me an 'official' letter claiming that I had just won some obscure lottery in Spain amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars. My imagination ran amok. I was already imagining quitting my job and retire for the rest of my life until a few seconds later my logic took over and made all the loopholes of the letter so apparent that my sweet reverie had to die a violent death.

According to Janet Jackson, the best things in life are free. Yeah.. still, I stick to the economists' view.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Do You Agree?

Why do humans nod when they agree on something and shake their heads when they don't? Is it some kind of genetically inherited behavioural code handed down from long gone ancestors who might be some primates with hairy behinds? But the fact that there are certain race that would shake their heads even when they are agreeing with you wholeheartedly means that the first theory is not really accurate.

Then I read that it could be an evolution from bowing. So I imagine in prehistoric time before Man discovered the art of nodding, they'd bow everytime they agreed with each other (To sidetrack: what did they do when they disagree? Waving their spears?). So one day this guy who was apparently more intelligent than the rest of the group found out that instead of bowing which required you to bend your upper body forward at an angle - which could get pretty tiring, especially if you were seated around some bonfire and having a chat and everytime someone agreed with something the other said, he'd need to stand up and bow (they couldn't keep bowing whilst sitting down because then their hairy chests would get dirty faster)- you'd just need to do the same but only from the neck up. This he reckoned, would save them much energy and would make chatting around bonfire a much more comfortable experience. And so, nodding was born. (Japan was isolated for two and a half centuries so somehow they regressed to bowing but since nodding had been considered popular even before the sakoku policy was put in place, they couldn't help but to mix the two). On why certain races do not nod their heads, let me think of some kind of explanation and I'll get back to you.

Now, my Big Boss nods his head all the time. When he is doing performance reviews, when he talks in meetings, even as he walks down the office corridors and waves at us (yes, my Big Boss likes to wave at us) he would couple it with nodding. I suspect it is his way to make us subconsciously agree to his company visions and policies. And he likes to end his sentences with the phrase '... would you agree?' or its variables '... wouldn't you agree?' or '... don't you agree?' while nodding his head. Like being hypnotised, it was difficult for me to say no. So, I agreed.

I met a guy whom I discovered to have a propensity to ask for my agreement too. He would say for instance, "The sun rises from the east. Do you agree?" He would ask, "'Unfortunately' is counted as one crap. Do you agree?"

It is very hard not to agree with him. But because he did not couple his sentences with continuous nodding like my Big-boss, I did not agree.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Pop, Popped, Popping

When I told Kyoko I like the J-Pop group called L'arc-en-Ciel (ラルク アン シエル) her eyes widened for a few seconds. I felt smug that she acknowledged my good taste in music, that was until she exclaimed, "Yadaaaaa!!!! How can you rike such a group?!!! The main vokarist is such a strange guy!!!!!" and looked to the side as if to spit.

Indignant, I asked her, "What's wrong with Hyde? He writes good songs and his voice is great!"
She said, "How can you rike someone who rooks rike that?!!!"
Since her reason did not stand logically I insisted that I still like the group anyway and had continued to sing their songs in karaoke until she banned me from singing them.

My infatuation with J-Pop started when I had a jap punkwannabe as the first guy to date me back when I was seventeen. I progressed from the high-pitched sickeningly cheery Kome Kome Club (米米CLUB) to Southern All Stars (サザンオールスターズ) and had since continued to expand my musical boundaries to include canto and thai pop, the latter which was insisted upon me by my then flatmates.

More recently I have included malay-pop, korean-pop, and les chansons francaises into my repertoire and was just dipping my toes into german pop until I listened to a Marlene Dietrich rendition of "Ne Me Quitte Pas" in german. I started listening to it in the dead of the night with my earphones on. The song started with some creaky violin and as soon as her voice entered my ears, my heart jumped. It had sounded so eerie, so creepy and so.. so.. bassy, like a low growling sound from some ancient black and white horror masterpiece. The clicky and nasal german pronunciation didn't help. I am not surprised if Murnau had used this particular song in his 1922 Nosferatu had it existed then. Naturally I stopped my musical exploration there and then.

Last week I brought my Zero Assoluto cd to let Gio listen to it since he said he's never heard of the group. I thought Zero Assoluto is good for the italian music scene standard, they definitely sound better than those strange old folk songs with weird tunes sung by the likes of Sud System, Eros Ramazzoti or Adriano Celentano. But the two italianos in the car violently protested against 90% of the songs in the cd. They asked me vehemently, "Do you really like these songs? How can you like these kinds of songs?!!" and proceeded to forward through most of the cd.

I had trouble sleeping the other night pondering on the popular saying that 'a man's meat is indeed another man's poison'. My late night sleeplessness had caused me to chance upon this hell of a gem of a music video from the above-mentioned Southern All Stars. This music video was made in 1984, which was like from 22 years gone. I don't know what the video was trying to say but I'm amazed that they can get away with stuffs like this. I am not even sure if today's MTV would allow this to be screened. Then again with the charismatic ultra-eccentric Keisuke Kuwata as the lead singer you can probably get away with most things.

Now, how can most of Japan, for the past 28 year, has been able to rike this guy who wears such ridicurous red cap with such ridicurous hair making this kind of weird videos? I don't know, I like him too. But if you don't, I understand.

Monday, September 11, 2006

The Bamboo Tree

Once upon a time in China, a man planted some bamboos in his back garden. He would diligently water and fertilize the soil where he planted the bamboos. After a year a neighbour who passed by his garden saw him watering and stopped to ask him, "Can I ask you mate, what are you watering actually?"
The man said, "Well, I'm watering bamboo trees!"
The neighbour said, "Blimey but I don't see a bloody thing!"
The man kept quiet and continued watering.

At the end of the second year the same neighbour walked past and saw the man again doing his watering. He couldn't help but asked again, "Mate, are you still watering your 'bamboo trees'?"
The man looked at the neighbour and said, "Yeah, what else d'you suppose I'm doing?!"
The neighbour said, "Well I still don't see a bloody thing here! The land is still as bald and barren as an eagle's arse!"
The man kept quiet and continued watering.

And so it was for the third and fourth year. The neighbour would see the man watering and fertilizing an empty land and there was still no sight of the bamboo trees, not even a small shoot.

On the fifth year the neighbour couldn't stand it anymore when he saw the man still watering his "bamboo trees". He stopped and said to the man, "For jeez' sake mate, I think you'd better stop this crazy business of yours! You've been watering your 'bamboo trees' for the past five years and for cryin' out loud, there's nothing to show for it!" The man looked at his neighbour and said, "You can say whatever you want. Just come back in five weeks' time."

The five weeks passed and the neighbour went to see the man. And lo and behold, there the bamboo trees have all grown to the height of thirty metres!

The neighbour exclaimed in delight, "Blimey! I never knew these fXXXXXX bamboos can grow so fast in just five weeks!"
"Is it five weeks?" the man said to the neighbour, "Or is it five years?"

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Back to the Attic...Ah!

Last night I went back to revisit my old haunt, Attica, after a two month hiatus.

It is a club near where I live which was deeemed by the night life reviews last year as the place to see and to be seen and where the beautiful people go. The label stuck but over time I realised that there is a subheading attached to it too, which is: meat market. Welcome to the hunting safari park for white male expats where there will be plenty of extremely unwilling local girls to be hunted. Now that I think of it, it works the other way round too where the local girls become the hunters and the white expats standing around in crisp shirts are there waiting to be hunted. Most of my local male friends are so anti-attic because of this that they'd rather be thrown into the river than to step in there.

There was a time when I basically went there every living weekend ad nauseam and spend many a sunday just recuperating (remember it is non-monsoon period so surf is zero and there is nothing else to do). And then I stopped. I have had it up to my throat and I could feel myself retching to just think about it. So why on earth did I go there? First, it is free entrance for me. Second, my friend sometimes spins there so I'd like to give him support because I get invites to other parties from him. Third, the music is good. Fourth, it is one of the nearest to my place I can even walk home. Fifth, the age group of the crowd is just about right so there are no pimply teenagers prancing around trying to pick you up.

Thanks to Gio I was cajoled, dragged and pushed to enter that place again last night. Well, it was definitely way better than the hotel club we went to ealier where people danced to a bad Maroon 5 cover. All my three male friends proceeded to go about their hunting business and I was left trying to dance on the dance floor that was too packed for comfort. People trashed their bodies back and forth in reckless abandon, people trying to walk in and out, some sleazy guys eyeing you up. After two hours I decided to leave.

Lesson numero uno: don't come with only male friends here because they only want to hunt and it feels stupid dancing by yourself because then the other males who are hunting would think that you are there to pick them up too. It is pretty disconcerting when you are dancing and then some guy would snake their way to your sphere and started dancing with you. I never knew what to do. They would look at me and smiled so I would smile back but muttering under my breath, "oh just frig' off will ya" and then look up to the ceiling in the hope that they would disappear. Most of the time they don't. Instead they would throw hopeful glances at me which forced me to turn my body 180 degree away. I mean, what do they expect me to do? Chat them up and get their phone numbers? For pete's sake if they'd just start with a nice hello and ask first. But then again..

One of the male friends Pat told me that the science for any white guys to pick up girls over here is as simple as ABC.
A: Wear a (T-shirt) crisp shirt on your evenings out.
B: Put on a pair of nice slim-cut tailored pants.
C: Perch yourself in any bar and wait for result.
The last time he did that he got five phone numbers thrown to him without him moving a finger. God bless him though because he said he found the whole affair so stupid and the girls stupider.

Which brought me to the conversation I had with Gio last night. We were sitting at some cafe eating our chocolate cakes and whilst sitting we noticed how the passersby would walk past us with scrutinizing look. I knew what their thought bubbles read: "Ooh, another ang-moh (pink-faced man) with an SPG."

That's the thing here. That people would immediately label you when you are an asian seen hanging out with a white. They don't care if you are just friends enjoying an innocent cup of coffee. Do I blame the locals for being narrow minded? Do I blame the expats for sterotyping the asian girls? Do I blame the SPGs for bringing bad name to the female population here? Or do I blame the Blair the Bush the Howard and the Merkel? It irks me. The whites think that you are another SPG, the locals think that you are another SPG, the SPGs think that you are another SPG. It is no wonder that sometimes I think I am an SPG too (Okay, the last statement was not true). And because I don't know them I can't perform my aikido moves on them lest the police consider me a public hazard and proceed to handcuff me.

When I landed back here five years ago I was crossing the street and saw this fat-arsed caucasian crossing the street swaggering. I repeat: swaggering. I took a double look because I haven't seen anybody swagger in real lives before. Not in London, not in Paris not even in Sydney and excuse me, this guy here is swaggering? My mind immediately listed the following questions:
(a) Good looking? Answer: no
(b) Stylish? Answer: no
(c) Cool? Answer: no
(d) Smart? Answer: not too sure
(e) Rich? A: looks like some redneck just winning a lottery

I thought it was going to be a one-off incident unti I spotted many more of them dotted all over the island. Well, they mostly congregate at certain spots, for example, like the club above. I mean, these guys are probably invisible back home and upon landing on this exotic island paradise they are deemed god whose feet the tribe worships.

Maybe I should open a pedicure shop catered to them. I would then employ people to wash, pamper and beautify their feet so that they (the feet) will be more pleasant to be worshipped at.

Friday, September 08, 2006

All Style but Nothing Else

Yesterday my iPhoto was officially declared dead. It went into coma about a month ago and since I thought it could easily be rebooted or restored to factory setting, I had left it in its coma state until yesterday when I finally had time to bring it to the Apple doctor.

The attendant behind the counter took a look at it, keyed in its serial number and told me, "Your iPod is past its warranty period."

I said, "Okay, so how much do you charge for repair?"

The attendant stared at the monitor screen and said, "Apple does not offer repair service for iPod. We can only order for replacement but it will cost you S$400-S$500 for one."

I said, wait, I got my iPod only a year and a half ago.

"Sorry ma'am, there's nothing we can do."

I had wished to hammer his head with my iPod but since I knew it was not his fault I abstained. I looked at him (angrily I hope) and said to him, "So basically you are telling me that Apple makes products that last for a year and that this thing is practically a junk now?"

He nodded, still staring at the screen, and said, "But some people have theirs for 3-4 years."

I forced a thank you and walked off in anger.

That bloody iPod of mine cost more than S$850 when I first got it and now it's dead. Just like that. If I knew that the manufacturer sees it as an annually disposable junk I would have settled for less. I've never expected it to last me to the golden age but three year durability is not much to ask. I've never trashed it around or have it submerged in water. I've treated it with care and considerable tenderness. And now that it walked out of my life it is just a piece of metal junk. Maybe I can reuse it as an expensive portable mirror or maybe I should just build a shrine to it.

On comparison, my panasonic CD Player has been with me for six years and my Sony Walkman, for as long as I can remember.

Obviously I am not the only one felt screwed and pissed here.

I find this comment on Engadget:

"Apple has an unethical hold on the flash memory market, and in doing so has created a monopoly, they create a product for nill and sell it for gobs of profit, and because other companies can't get those ball-bustingly low prices on Flash, they have to price equally to compete, selling at a loss even. There's nothing better about the iPod, limited formats, disgusting iTunes quality, a battery situation that has remained stupid and consumer unfriendly since its debut so many years ago, not to mention it has done almost Nothing to improve itself by comparison to the Zen."

To think that I was so in love with anything Apple.

I received this mail from the corporation too about a week ago. It reads:


Dear Apple Customer:

Apple has determined that certain lithium-ion rechargeable batteries containing cells manufactured by Sony Corporation of Japan pose a safety risk that may result in overheating. The affected batteries were sold worldwide, in systems and separately, from October 2003 through August 2006 for use with the following computers: 12-inch iBook G4, 12-inch PowerBook G4, 15-inch PowerBook G4.

Issue: The affected batteries could overheat, posing a fire hazard. Apple received nine confirmed reports in the United States of these batteries overheating. Apple urges you to stop using your battery and to order a replacement battery immediately. After removing the recalled battery from the iBook or PowerBook, you should plug in the AC adapter to power the computer until a replacement battery arrives.

Overheating batteries that pose fire hazard? What am I dealing with here? Dodgy product disguised in sleek plastic shell?

I am disillusioned. My blind loyalty to all sleek and style had proved me an impractical fool. iPeople, I hereby tender my resignation from the club.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

So Says Shins

This video is from my favourite group The Shins.

In the movie Garden State the character Sam said to Andrew: "You gotta hear this one song, it'll change your life I swear." I first heard this song from the surf movie Shelter. It didn't change my life. But when I listened to the lyrics I fell for it. And for the Shins.

Sometimes I feel that music helps one get through life. I can't imagine living in a world without music. I know of a friend who hardly listens to music. I asked him once if he doesn't miss listening to music and he said no. For the last two years he's here he'd rather listen to CNBC news than a song. I think Man is inseparable from music. Prehistoric tribes have music. Even monkeys have been witnessed to beat on hollow logs. And don't forget that bird sings.

Then again I don't understand how some songs ever written can be passed as audible, let alone music. Songs that made me all cringe. I remembered listening to America's Top 40 years back and when some songs were declared top, I cringed and wondered how on earth some people listen to music. So when I watched on MTV the programme titled Worst Top 40 Hits I thanked god that at least I'm not the only one crying for justice here.

A few months ago I let a friend listen to my Kings of Convenience cds.

After a few songs, he enthusiastically reached over for his CD bag and told me that if I like KoC I would definitely love this particular group.

So he put his CD into the player and pressed Play. I waited.

The music of Gypsy King filled the air. I was astounded. He was looking at me expectantly.

I said to him, "Isn't this Gypsy King?" He said with wide eyes, "Yeah! Do you like it?"

I can't blame him. He's from North Carolina and he listens to Bon Jovi and the likes.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Salt Water Dreaming

That's my friend Juan, the guy on the left. He just mailed me these photos which were taken when he was back in Zarautz last September. Notice the lack of conspicuous big brands or the latest patented-cut shorties, just basic boardshorts that do the job. Classic revisited, old school cool.

Funny to think how when I first knew Juan I knew all along that he surfs. But since I have not been acquainted with the addictive nature of wave riding yet, I didn't pay much attention to it. Today I found out that he had been surfing for half of his life. And manoeuvres and tricks so elusive to me are peanuts to him. Hit the lip? Easy. Cutback? Chill.

Looking at these photos make me sick.

I've had worse withdrawal symptoms before where I literally felt like a junkie confined in a rehab. Each time when I had to board the plane at the end of my surf trip I felt like clawing and digging my nails at the nearest person that offends me. Unfortunately no one had managed to offend me yet when such needs arise. Thus I would be made to contain the violent restlessness to myself. During such time I would feel within my own body the quiver of every inch of my muscles for that one more ride. It was a painful and unbearable period. I would have rolled from side to side if not for my fellow air passengers. The symptom would last for about a week or so until eventually my system is cleared of any salt water molecules and I would be able to operate normally as a good land citizen once again.

Four more weeks.

Four more weeks and I should be able to feel my board under my feet again.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Lightness of Being

So I survived my weekend snorkelling trip a fortnight ago.

By allowing only raw food, ginger tea, and distilled water into my system I have cured myself in two days instead of the normal four to five days. Okay I did cheat a little, I went to have massage.

Chinese medicine stipulates Qi as the vital energy that goes round one's body and if this Qi is blocked or become stagnant, sickness sets in. I deduce that since my Qi is stagnant I would need some unblocking to do. A bit like a jammed sewer. Hence I dragged myself to the nearest massage parlour down the hill from my apartment despite the embarassingly drippy nose.

The masseuse lady did a wonderful oily balinese massage to me. It was great. But it was the following day's massage, where I opted for a shiatsu, that I felt all traffic jams in my system were finally cleared. It felt like green lights all the way to manhattan. I felt light as a spring chicken, ready to make little hops and run around in circles. In fact I felt as if I was ready to fly.

Fly I did not. But run I did, for I was running late for the 7.15pm meeting time at the Queen Street bus terminal.

Hence my very own personal recipes to cure a common cold:
1. Eat only raw vegetables and fruit. No soup no porridge.
2. Drink ginger tea sweetened with honey throughout the day.
3. When not drinking ginger tea, drink distilled water.
4. Pop vit c pills like there is no tomorrow.
5. Switch off the air conditioner, wear a scarf around your neck and sweat it all out.
6. Sleep like a pig, if you can.
7. Go for that massage/ reflexology until you feel well.

I know. It definitely costs more than those over the counter cold relief pills. But at least you are not shortchanging your body in the long term.
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